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Scripture for the Day April 20, 2013


Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)

New International Version (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I know quite a few people who are under the impression that it is wrong to want to be successful and earn a decent income.  They even have the ability to do this with little effort, and quit the harder work they are currently doing, but refuse to do so.  They say that they don’t need to be successful as their treasure is in Heaven.  I have to strongly disagree.

Yes, my true treasure is in Heaven but while I am here on earth, I strive to be successful. I am also convinced that God wants me to strive to be successful.  He says it clearly in the scripture for the day.  God has plans for us and His plans are perfect.  I don’t, for a second, believe that God would plan for us to live in poverty.  Instead, He plans to prosper each of us and not harm us.  If He plans to give us hope and a future, it can’t be to live struggling from day to day.

Striving to be successful and make a decent living (completely different than being obsessed with money) serves multiple purposes as far as I’m concerned.  The first would benefit my home church because the more money I make, the larger my tithe check is each week.  The second would benefit my family and friends as I could do more to secure my children’s future and help in the community.  I can think of so many more but I think you get the point.

So to those who believe we should be satisfied with where we are financially because it is a sin to want more, I say work hard and be successful.  Allow the Lord to work His plan in your life no matter what it might be.  It might just surprise you to see the changes that can come out of a simple change in attitude.


My Life in His Hands April 3, 2013


You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.

Psalms 119:114   NIV

Being able to hope in something can be a powerful thing.  Being able to hope in the God of the universe is without compare.

Walking through this life outside of God’s care can be a very scary thing.  I remember a time in my own life when living through any given day took a complete miracle.  It was quite a long time ago but I remember it like it was yesterday.  I know for a fact that I was living a life less pleasing to the Lord but for some reason, I just have to believe that my life was in His hands.

I grew up on the island of Oahu which most would think is just palm trees and sandy beaches.  Yes, Hawaii is a paradise; but for those who of us who grew up there, it was a paradise with the same dangers and temptations as any other city.  I lived a major portion of my younger years addicted to crystal methamphetamine and counting on family members involved in gangs for protection.

Through all of the near overdoses and bloody gang fights, it was the Lord who kept me alive.  Even when I was at my lowest and absolutely unworthy of His love and protection, God had a plan for my life and kept me in the palm of His hands.  It wasn’t my gang member cousins or uncles who kept me alive.  It was only by the grace of God that I am able to share my testimony today.

God’s word makes it very clear to me in Psalms 119 when it states the He is my refuge and my shield.  He has always been my protector and is still today.  I put my hope in God’s word more now than ever before.  His promises are today, and always will remain true in my life.

Don’t ever stop believing in the word of God.  If He says it, He means it.  God is today, and always will be your refuge and shield.  If God began a work in you at any point in your life, you had better believe that He will finish it.  He will bless and keep you until His work is complete!


A Trouble Free Life March 11, 2013

There are times when it seems like life is completely trouble free and things couldn’t get any better.  These times will be attractive, as well as appealing, to anyone and to the believer, it is no different.

Have you ever thought about the roller coaster effect that a constantly changing spiritual walk can have on the life patterns of a Christian believer?  Everyone experiences ups and downs but is there a detectable pattern that can be followed where the Christian is concerned?  This is what we will discuss a little further.

A trouble free life isn’t always an indication of a successful life.  For a Christian who has to deal with daily attacks from the devil, a trouble free life might be an indicator of a life lacking in one spiritual area or another.  That’s not to say that a Christian experiencing peace and happiness is a Christian in need of a closer walk with the Lord.  It’s just a thought that might warrant further attention.

When I look back at my Christian walk, I see definite patterns that would indicate the possibility that there might just be something to this theory.  It was during those periods, when I neglected to spend time in prayer and meditation, that I would notice life running just a little smoother.  Problems were fewer and finances more stable.  Life was good.

On the other hand, it was during those periods in my life, when my spiritual walk was at its strongest, that I would notice the attacks from the devil coming more frequently, and without apparent cause.  This was extremely discouraging at first.  Why was everything going so wrong, when it seemed as if I were doing everything so right?  I prayed about this for a pretty long time with no apparent answer in sight.

It was during one of the more troublesome trials that the answer came to me.  I had been so focused on the attacks of the devil, and how they seemed to hit harder when I was focused on my spiritual walk, that I failed to realize the reason behind this; or at least the one reason that made sense to me.  When my spiritual life was in place, the attacks came more frequently.  And when my spiritual life was lacking, life seemed great.

The answer, for me, came so suddenly and with such clarity that I almost missed it.  It was as if I could hear God speaking to me audibly.  The devil is threatened when a Christian’s desire, accompanied by their actions, is moving them in the direction of building a closer walk with the Lord.  And the devil will deal with this threat in the best way he can.  He will attack, and attempt to discourage by any means possible.

It all made sense and it taught me an important lesson.  I learned to be thankful during those trials because it let me know that my spiritual walk was so on track that it scared the devil.  Never again would I allow troubled times to affect my walk with God.